How to Cure Candida Overgrowth & Freedom From Yeast Infections

Posted by Unknown on Jun 16, 2014

Symptoms of yeast infection are similar to those of other causes of vaginitis (inflammation or irritation of the vaginal canal), including Trichomonas infection and bacterial vaginosis. Itching, which can be severe, is a common symptom. Burning and irritation usually accompany the itching. 
Pain during sexual intercourse may be present as well as pain or burning with urination. A vaginal discharge is often present. With a yeast infection, the discharge is most often described as whitish-gray, thick, and having a consistency similar to cottage cheese. There may be redness, swelling, irritation, and itching of the vulva in addition to the vaginal symptoms.

Vaginal yeast infection facts

  • Most vaginal yeast infections are caused by the organism Candida albicans.
  • Yeast infections are very common and affect up to 75% of women at some point in their lifetime.
  • Itching is the main symptom of vaginal yeast infection, but burning, discharge, and pain with urination or intercourse can also occur.
  • Treatment involves topical or oral antifungal medications.
  • It is possible for a woman to transmit a yeast infection to a male sex partner, even though yeast infection is not considered to be a true sexually-transmitted disease because it can occur in women who are not sexually active.
  • Treatment of yeast infection in men, like in women, involves antifungal medications.
  • Keeping the vaginal area dry and avoiding irritating chemicals can help prevent yeast infections in women. Consuming foods with probiotics may also help.

What is a vaginal yeast infection?

A vaginal yeast infection is an infection caused by yeast (a type of fungus). Vaginal yeast infection is sometimes referred to as yeast vaginitis, Candidal vaginitis, or Candidal vulvovaginitis. The scientific name for the yeast that causes vaginitis is Candida. Over 90% of vaginal yeast infections are caused by the species known as Candida albicans. Other Candida species make up the remainder of yeast infections.

Candida species can be present in healthy women in the vagina without causing any symptoms. In fact, it is estimated that 20% to 50% of women have Candida already present in the vagina. For an infection to occur, the normal balance of yeast and bacteria is disturbed, allowing overgrowth of the yeast. While yeast can be spread by sexual contact, vaginal yeast infection is not considered to be a sexually-transmitted disease because it can also occur in women who are not sexually active, due to the fact that yeast can be present in the vagina of healthy women.

Vaginal yeast infections are very common, affecting up to 75% of women at some point in life.
Even though the symptoms produced by a vaginal yeast infection (also referred to as vaginal candidiasis or yeast vaginitis) are similar among affected women, they are not at all specific. In fact, studies have shown that many women attempt to treat what they believe are yeast infections using over-the-counter medications when they actually have a different condition. So, if you are unsure about whether or not you have a yeast infection, or if you have never had one before, it's important to see your doctor to be sure that you are treating the correct conditions before starting any treatment.
The most common organism that causes yeast infections is known as Candida albicans. This type of yeast can be present in normal, healthy women in the vaginal canal. Most commonly, it is present without causing any symptoms at all. It is only when an overgrowth of this organism is present that symptoms of a yeast infection may manifest. This happens when the balance of protective bacteria in the vagina is disturbed, either due to illness, hormonal changes, or taking certain medications, particularly antibiotics or immune-suppressing drugs. Conditions that affect the function of the immune system, including diabetes, can increase a woman's risk of getting a yeast infection. Sometimes, no cause for the overgrowth of yeast is discovered.

Symptoms of yeast infection are similar to those of other causes of vaginitis (inflammation or irritation of the vaginal canal), including Trichomonas infection and bacterial vaginosis. Itching, which can be severe, is a common symptom. Burning and irritation usually accompany the itching. Pain during sexual intercourse may be present as well as pain or burning with urination. A vaginal discharge is often present. With a yeast infection, the discharge is most often described as whitish-gray, thick, and having a consistency similar to cottage cheese. There may be redness, swelling, irritation, and itching of the vulva in addition to the vaginal symptoms.

Patients may experience the related symptoms of Vaginal Itching, Vaginal Discharge, and/or Vaginal Pain.
More aboutHow to Cure Candida Overgrowth & Freedom From Yeast Infections

How to Release Cellulite Quickly and Naturally for Naked Beauty

Posted by Unknown

If you're seeing bumps on your behind, you're in good company: About 90 percent of women -- and virtually no men -- have cellulite, fat cells found underneath the top layer of the skin that have squeezed between bands of connective tissue, or collagen, attaching your muscle to your skin. While the structure of women's connective tissue is vertical (like mattress springs), men's collagen is angled, which means that fat cells don't push through and pucker as much. 
Dermatologists believe that poor circulation, which is primarily genetic (thanks, Mom and Dad!), can exacerbate the look of lumps. "When blood flow slows, collagen separates, allowing fat to come up to the surface of the skin, creating an orange-peel effect," says Howard Murad, MD, a FITNESS advisory board member and author of The Cellulite Solution.This puckering can mess with your confidence: In a FITNESS survey, readers ranked cellulite as their number-one beauty bummer (above acne, frizzy hair, and wrinkles). Fifty-seven percent of women have worn clothing over their bathing suits to camouflage it, according to a study commissioned by Nivea. While there is no cure (sadly!), derms believe it's possible to temporarily camouflage bumps. So before you grab that sarong, here's the skinny on the latest potions that firm.

It can too often be a source of embarrassment but did you know that nearly all women have some cellulite? No matter the weight or exercise regiment, around 9 of 10 women have a lumpy bumpy area that keeps them shy in bikini season. The good news is that despite its prevalence, just how to get rid of cellulite can be simple and effective with a variety of at home remedies.

As it turns out, all cases of cellulite are associated with loss of skin elasticity and decreased blood flow. Therefore, anything that improves either of these two factors can help in getting rid of cellulite. The build up of toxins in the body can also be an important contributor to making both poor health and unsightly cellulite.

Fortunately, a lot of women have been looking into how to get rid of cellulite fast and have shared their findings. Give any approach on how to reduce cellulite at least 30 days to really show improvements and for best results, use many techniques together.

Here are a few of the best tips on how to get rid of cellulite quickly and simply:
Dry Skin Brushing

Even if you don’t suffer from cellulite, skin brushing is a must! The daily mini massaging effect is invigorating and makes skin soft and radiant. It stimulates skin cell rejuvenation and helps improve lymphatic flow. This system is part of the body’s way to naturally carry toxins out of the body, an important part of how to get rid of cellulite.

Here’s the best way to get started with skin brushing:
  • Find a long handled, natural bristled skin brush so every part of the body can be reached
  • Before showering, use firm circular strokes to brush the whole body
  • Always work toward the heart as this is where the lymph needs to flow
  • After showering, cover your skin in coconut oil
  • Repeat daily

It may take a few days for skin to become accustomed to skin brushing so be sure to start of with a bit more of a gentle touch. Don’t be too worried if skin is a slightly red or tender at first, just be gentler the next time and your skin will adapt gradually. Just whatever you do, keep it up: the results are phenomenal!-
Coffee Scrubs 
As most any of us can verify, coffee is invigorating! It is also stimulating for your skin, as it can improve blood flow when rubbed in topically. The best part is that a coffee scrub is incredibly simple to do and compliments the dry skin brush beautifully.
Here’s yet another great way to enjoy a morning cup of Joe:
  • When emptying the coffee pot, place the filter full of grounds into a cup or jar and set it near the shower for use the next day
  • After dry brushing, step into the shower and massage legs and cellulite areas with the coffee grounds for a few minutes
  • Shower normally and apply coconut oil when finished

It can too often be a sourc

Even though it seems such a treatment should make you feel like you’ve spent too much time in a coffee shop, it feels more like the tingliness of an Altoid, but all over your legs. The sensation is truly energizing and the results are immediately apparent in cellulite reduction. It is a bit messy, though, making this treatment perfect to do in the shower. 
Olive & Juniper Oils 
Massage is a great way to both relax and improve circulation. When it comes to how to get rid of cellulite, adding a few oils to this routine can make a world of difference.

Here’s a great way to make the most of this technique:
  • Add one drop of juniper essential oil for every two tablespoons of olive oil
  • Massage into skin effected by cellulite, using circular motions and working toward the heart
  • Repeat several times per week, preferably after exercise or in the morning

This is a great habit for both a little self-administered TLC and natural cellulite treatment. Take note, though, that juniper can be invigorating so it’s not the best idea to try it just before sleeping!

Lemon Juice & Cayenne Pepper

Improving elasticity and detoxification are both most effectively accomplished from the inside. As for how to get rid of cellulite, a cocktail of lemon juice and cayenne pepper three times per day is the most effective method. Add a few shakes of spice to a glass of fresh-squeezed juice and enjoy the results.
Loose Fitting Clothes

Remembering that good circulation is essential in how to get rid of cellulite, tight clothes may be working against you. If your pants or undergarments leave deep marks in your skin at the end of the day, this can be a sign that blood flow is impaired in those areas. Try a bit looser fit and watch your cellulite (and comfort level) improve.


It seems the cure to everything always involves a mention of exercise. Cellulite is no exception but don’t worry, there’s no need to get get a gym membership or new workout gear. As it turns out, women in desk jobs are the most likely to suffer from cellulite because sitting prevents sufficient blood flow to the bottom and thighs.

Take a few extra minutes each day to stand up and walk around. It’s as simple as that: get the blood flowing a bit more regularly through those troublesome areas is a simple and effective part of how to get rid of cellulite.

For anyone already in a fitness routine, take the time after working up a sweat to rub lotions or massage oils into the areas affected by cellulite. The improved blood flow caused by exercise helps the creams to absorb even better to get the best results.
More aboutHow to Release Cellulite Quickly and Naturally for Naked Beauty

Cara Memperbesar Payudara Secara Aman Dan Alami

Posted by Unknown on Jun 14, 2014

Payudara merupakan salah satu perhiasan yang dimiliki kaum wanita; bagian tubuh ini sebenarnya juga dimiliki oleh para pria namun bentuk dan fungsi payudara pada wanita pada hakikatnya berbeda dengan milik para pria. Perubahan bentuk payudara wanita dipengaruhi oleh kadar hormon estrogen yang berkembang seiring dengan bertambahnya usia dan proses seorang wanita menjadi dewasa. Pada dasarnya; ukuran payudara seorang wanita dipengaruhi oleh faktor genetik serta faktor – faktor lain, meskipun begitu terdapat berbagai cara yang sering digunakan oleh kaum wanita agar mendapatkan payudara dengan ukuran dan bentuk yang lebih estetis atau menarik. Adapun salah satu cara memperbesar payudara yang banyak dipraktekkan antara lain dengan menggunakan teknik – teknik tradisional.

Apakah Anda merasa kurang lengkap sebagai wanita karena ukuran dada yang mungkin beberapa cup terlalu kecil dibandingkan kebanyakan wanita? Jika memang demikian, maka pastinya Anda akan merasa kurang percaya diri dengan keadaan diri Anda padahal ini sebaiknya tidak terjadi. Kepercayaan diri adalah kunci dari banyak kesempatan yang ada. Jika Anda merasa tidak percaya diri, maka semuanya akan berefek ke penampilan Anda dan mungkin pula pada kesuksesan Anda. Jika memang begitu, sebaiknya Anda melakukan konsultasi dengan para ahli. Pada dasarnya, sekarang ini sudah banyak pilihan yang tersedia di pasaran untuk dapat meningkatkann ukuran dari dada Anda.

Beberapa pilihan yang paling sering didapatkan adalah krim, implant silicon, dan juga pil. Walaupun banyak kita ketahui bahwa para artis memilih cara dengan impan silicon, tapi ini bukanlah yang terbaik. Memang implant memberikan hasil yang cepat, tapi kadar kegagalannya pun lumayan besar. Banyak kasus terjadinya kesalahan pada operasi implant sehingga menyebabkan infeksi. Atau paling tidak ada contoh yang lebih ringan tapi cukup memalukan, seperti yang terjadi pada Tori Spelling. Wanita yang satu ini terkenal karena ia sudah sering bermain dalam beberapa film seri, selain itu, ia juga merupakan anak dari Aaron Spelling yang pernah dikatakan sebagai raja film drama seri.

Uang pastinya bukan masalah untuknya, sehingga sudah hampir pasti bahwa ia memilih dokter bedah kenamaan yang memiliki nama cukup baik. Tapi hasilnya ternyata diluar dari yang diharapkan. Payudara implannya terlihat terlalu jauh sehingga secara keseluruhan tidak terlihat indah. Ditambah lagi, hasil yang kurang maksimal ini sering dibahas di berbagai acara sebagai hasil yang gagal sehingga pastinya ada rasa malu setiap menonton acara-acara semacam itu.

Kalau sudah begitu, mungkin sebagian dari Anda menjadi lebih tertarik pada pil. Apalagi pil tidak menyebabkan rasa sakit karena irisan pisau operasi dan juga tidak menyebabkan infeksi. Tapi apakah pil bisa dikatakan efektif? Sepertinya tidak. Ini dikarenakan pil yang ditelan masih harus diolah oleh organ dalam tubuh sebelum akhirnya bisa terserap dan menyebabkan pertumbuhan pada payudara Anda. Jika sudah begitu, maka pilihan yang paling tepat sebenarnya adalah krim. Krim pembesar payudara di pasaran banyak yang terbuat dari bahan alami.

Dan itulah mengapa krim tersebut sangatlah aman untuk dipakai. Selain itu, krim langsung diserap oleh sel-sel payudara karena dioleskan langsung ke wilayah tersebut. Pengaplikasian krim juga lebih mudah karena langsung dipijatkan dan dioleskan di payudara. Proses ini juga bisa membantu Amda mendeteksi kemungkinan adanya sel-sel tidak sehat di payudara Anda seperti benjolan. Namun demikian, dalam memilih krim, kita juga harus tetap berhati-hati.

Kita harus bisa memastikan jika krim yang menjadi pilihan kita tidak mengandung hormone sintetis apapun seperti progesterone dan juga estrogen. Banyak terjadi kasus dimana tubuh menolak kedua hormone sintetis tersebut sehingga menimbulkan efek-efek yang kurang baik. Sebaliknya, Anda harus mencari salah satu zat kandungan terbaik seperti yang disebut sebagai bust serum. Serum ini mengandung zat bernama mirofirm. Zat ini dapat merangsang pertumbuhan sel payudara.

Krim pembesar payudara bisa juga didapatkan di berbagai toko online. Bayangkan betapa tidak nyamannya harus memilih-milih produk pembesar payudara di sebuah toko dengan pembeli lain yang ada di sekitar kita. Tapi tentunya, Anda juga tidak boleh sembarangan dalam memilih toko online. Toko yang Anda pilih harus memiliki keterangan lengkap mengenai pembayaran, cara pembelian, pengembalian barang, dan lain sebagainya, sehingga Anda sebagai pembeli tetap terproteksi. 
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